
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hump Day Cure

Hope you're having a great Wednesday! I'm a bit late getting my daily prompt done because I had quite a todo list this morning including getting my dog, Vince groomed.

He is such a cutie. After all my errands, I stopped at my local Starbucks for a Skinny Vanilla Latte. I don't go there often as it is a very expensive habit to maintain.  But what is nice about this particular one is that the barista knows my name. I don't have to spell it for him nor do I have to make up a name like "Ann" so that I don't have to hold up the line while they figure out how to write it. 

It was extra nice this morning because it's still raining here in Phoenix and it has been since Monday. Like the theme song says, sometimes you want to go where everyone knows your name.. I used Kuretake Tambi Gansai Watercolors today.  


  1. Oooh, Vince looks just like my Cujo! No, Angelcake, all white dogs don't look alike to me *snicker*. We seem to be having the same weather. The rain is much needed here but the gloom makes me hibernate even more. Starbucks isn't my thing unless I buy it ground at the store so I can control the strength. Folger's Black Silk all the way for me, babe!


    1. We definitely need the rain too.. But I'm so used to seeing the sun everyday! And I had to actually look for my umbrella.. Lol. I used to love all the Folgers commercials!
