
Monday, June 1, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect Isn't True

We've all heard the saying, "Practice makes perfect." Or, "Practice makes your good better and your better best." And for the most part, I find that to be true. The more time I spend on the piano better my Fantasy Impromptu. And my former gymnast daughter will tell you that in order to master a skill, you need hours of practice to develop muscle memory. So imagine my shock over the weekend when my second attempt at something resulted in less than satisfying result, not just once but three times!

As you may know, I'm working on several journals. The one that I work on everyday is my Fauxbonichi which serves as my planner and memory keeper. This past Friday, my Fauxbonichi page looked like this:

I loved the way it looked so I wanted to something similar in my art journal and I had a quote in mind for that. And this is how it turned out.

It certainly isn't bad, but to me the second version lacks depth, and personality. I used the same art supplies, the paper for the second version is even better than that of the first. And the more I played with the second version, the less I liked. 

On Saturday, I had another artsy Fauxbonichi entry.

The flower on the bottom is actually a tip in which just means, you can turn that flower over and it would reveal hidden journaling. I do this when I have something private either about my feelings or it's about my kids. I really liked the way this turned out so I wanted once again to recreate it in my art journal. The first picture in this post is my recreation. Once again, I don't like my recreation as much as the original. It's lacking something, just couldn't pinpoint what it was.

And then on Sunday, I decided to make a soup I had made once before. The recipe is found here  I remember that kids and I loved it, it was flavorful, a bit spicy, a bit creamy (without using heavy cream). It is supposed to be cooked in a crockpot but I made it on the cooktop. I used the same recipe, made the same recipe adjustment, used all the same ingredients. But it wasn't the same. Had I added something else the first the I made it?

It was delicious. We ended up adding a bit of sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese to the soup and it was good. But it just wasn't the same.

By Sunday night, I was a bit frustrated. How is it that my second attempt would produce what I consider inferior, three times? Why couldn't I at least recreate the original? I think the answe lies in losing some spontaneity and creativity when I try to recreate something. Sometimes you get an inspiration and you put it on paper and it works. But that inspiration gets lost when you try to do it again, especially making minor adjustments. At least in my art examples, that was the case. Now about my soup...I must have added something else the first the I made this soup. I need to make a note somewhere when I alter a recipe.

So I think in my three example, I wasn't practicing a skill, I was trying to recreate an original and lost the inspiration somehow. So I should continue to play Fantasy Impromptu.

This week, I will be sharing more art pieces I've been working on along with some art graphics I did for an LGBT Young Adult author whose new book came out today. I hope you'll come back for that! Hope you have a terrific Monday!


  1. Oh, I'm with you on this one. I recently made a tag, LOVED the background, attempted a canvas copy, and failed miserably. I 'settled' for something slightly less, knowing that to attempt the impossible is a futile endeavour!

    1. It can be so frustrating! I think I'm going to quit trying to recreate my art only because I won't have the same inspiration or the spark. 😊

  2. Personally, Angelcake, I don't think there is any such thing as perfection. There is varying degrees of imperfection and all interesting in their one way. I like all of your pictures but that's just little ol' talentless me :) . As for the soup, did you cook it in the crock pot the first time? I find crockpot cooking tastes a little different from stove top cooking. I like my chili cooked both ways even though they taste slightly different. Do you stick to a recipe or play it by ear? That also can have something to do with it. It could also be a mental block. I find when I cook soul food ( greens, beans, black eyed peas, corn bread etc..) it doesn't taste the same as my late mother-in-law's did. She used to say you have to put a toe in it! Maybe it's just perspective. Oh great, I just wrote a book on something I probably know nothing about, again ! Hugs, Ms Kari.

    1. The soup recipe was modified both times so I could cook it in a pan rather than in a crockpot. I never actually measure, it's always an approximations. Lol. I've never been precise at anything! So can you imagine me in my analytical chemistry class trying to get a yield that was super precise. If it weren't for the fact that the grade was 50% course work, I would have failed the class. Lol

  3. Full moon acoming.
    That aside, you know that "Only Perfect Practice Makes Perfect."
    Which is, of course, an oxymoron. :-)

    I thought all your things were quite beautiful. The soup looks delish!

    1. Thanks, Anna! I think the full moon makes me more creative!

  4. Of course, I apply the "practice makes perfect" theme to my writing. I completely know what you mean about the first time the act is a creative endeavor, and then the artistic spark might be slightly dulled when you try to recreate it. With writing, I was definitely not as skilled as I am now when I wrote Beggars and Choosers, but there was something fresh and new and untouched about that book, and I don't think I'd go back and change it to make it as "perfect" as what I do now, because in its imperfection it just has something special! On the other hand, your journal made me think of editing. Going over and over the same piece of work definitely smooths the rough edges and often, I think of a way to say something that is better than what it was before.So, I guess there are different ways of looking at this and I am glad you brought up the subject because it made me think.

    1. Mia, at the risk of sounding like a old, decrepit, squealing fan girl (it's happened before), I LOVED Beggars and Choosers and it is perfect just the way it is! That book led me to The Red Sheet, and now Love Spell is telling me to put down the book I'm reading now (it is an anthology after all) and "read me!". It's going to win.
      Sorry for barging in, Ms Kari. Couldn't help it.

    2. I think Deedles is right! It was perfect the way it was!
