
Monday, June 29, 2015

Diva's Challenge #224

This week's challenge is an interesting one. We were to use the pattern Tipple to fill a space. Tipple is a great filler because it's circles in different sizes. Circle is such a great shape, so simple yet it signifies so much in different cultures. I did a bit of research about circles and what they symbolize in the Japanese culture.

In Zen Buddhism, 円相 (ensō), a hand lettered brush stroke forming a circle that represents "a moment when the mind is free to let the body create." (wiki) Some artists leave the circle incomplete while others close it. 

I wanted to fill the ensō with tipple.

I chose not to close the circle because I don't think my mind is quite free yet to let the creation happen. Once I finished this, I felt the urge to do it's complement which is to fill the negative space with tipple.

And just for fun, I did one with just ink and my bamboo brush.

I think I'm going to buy a frame with three slots so I can display these together. I have seen ensō in various Japanese graphic art but never quite knew its meaning. Here's another interesting blog post about ensō here  You never know when a learning opportunity comes. This was fun!


  1. Yukari, these tiles will look great displayed together. Thanks for sharing the philosophy behind the art.

  2. Great story with the artwork. It is really special and beautifully done. Nice work. Sarah.

  3. Very interesting, I didn't know about enso. Good idea for the tipple background.

  4. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work and the inspiration behind it. These will indeed look wonderful in a frame. Excellent post!

  5. Really interesting. And, the finished pieces are quite dramatic with the positive/negative thing going.

  6. So thoughtful, and thought provoking. I love the idea of enso. Beautiful tile!

    1. This was a great learning experience for me!

  7. Beautiful work and thank you for the story :)

  8. Yes, a good idea to frame these three beautiful ensō's. I love hearing (well reading) the story about that. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Oh, your tipple circles are very creative. I like the first one most :-) It makes me happy to look at it.
    Thank your for explaining your philosophy behind your work.

  10. Very pleased to have the explanation you have given. And your tiles are lovely and will look beautiful displayed all together. Axx

  11. Beautiful art. I do like the open circle and the thought there. Beautiful again..

  12. I love love the enso. It is so luscious and energetically still. I am wondering how you did it... One single stroke with a Japanese mop brush? did you pencil it first? Give girl!

  13. Wonderful work! Thank you for the story behind your tiles! Really a fine idea!

  14. Yukari, this is so wonderful all together!! Thank you so very much for your explanations!! :)

    ~ Diane Clancy
